PHOTOMONTAGE – Definition:

“The process and the result of making a composite photograph by cutting, gluing, rearranging and overlapping two or more photographs into a new image”

The art produced in the pioneering early days of the 1920’s and 30’s by the anti-war Dada movement and the Russian Constructivists, was very powerful. It was reliant only on simple tools, humble materials and a vivid imagination. I too follow in these footsteps, I enhance the creative process, adding chance and intuition, by deliberately avoiding any computer involvement, using only found imagery and traditional cut and paste methods – scissors and glue!

With my graphic design skills I can easily search for any image online, steal and computer enhance it, combine it quickly and seamlessly with other images to create the montage. It’s all clever stuff but I choose not to. 


Photomontage images - Dada and Constructivists